June 7 – Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli


listenGod Our Father, as a bishop, Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli founded the Missionaries of Saint Alphonsus.  I ask him to pray for my bishop and all the projects in which my diocese is involved, especially those devoted to evangelization and missionary work.  Help the people of our diocese increase their generosity toward these projects.  Bless and anoint all those who work in diocesan ministries, and give them a greater understanding that the work they do—in any program—is part of sharing the Good News.  Protect them from obstacles that interfere with the service they provide.  Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli, pray for us.  Amen.

Quote for Today

Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846)

quoteWhen something turns out not very well or even badly, do not be disturbed nor think it a real evil but be humble before God and be confident that from it He will draw some good.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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