August 25 – Saint Joseph Calasanz

Saint Joseph Calasanz

listenHoly Lord, Saint Joseph Calasanz highly esteemed those who gave spiritual instruction to children.  He believed that the highest calling is to help them attain eternal life.  I ask him to pray for catechists and parents as they direct their ministry to the well-being of the souls of children and teens.  Teach us to pass down our faith, dear God, and help us to shape their behavior by fostering in them a devotion to You and the Christian life.  Inspire these children to influence the world of the new millennium when they grow up, spreading Your kingdom wherever they go and bringing renewed life to Your Church.  Saint Joseph, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Joseph Calasanz (1556-1648)

quoteAll who undertake to teach must be endowed with deep love, the greatest of patience, and, most of all, profound humility. They must perform their work with earnest zeal. Then, through their humble prayers, the Lord will find them worthy to become fellow workers with Him in the cause of truth. He will console them in the fulfillment of this most noble duty, and finally, will enrich them with the gift of heaven. As Scripture says, ‘Those who instruct many in justice will shine as stars for all eternity.'”

Saint Louis IX (1214-1270)
Feast day August 25

quoteIn order to avoid discord, never contradict anyone except in case of sin or some danger to a neighbor. And when necessary to contradict others, do it with tact and not with temper.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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