July 1 – Saint Theodoric


listenLoving Lord, Saint Theodoric (c. 580 – c. 630) was taken from his parents as a boy because they were thieves and abused him.  Raised by Christians, he became a monk and founded the abbey at Mont d’Or, France, where he served as its first abbot. He became a well-known evangelist and healer.  He converted many, including his own father.  I ask him to intercede for all foster children and foster parents.  O Jesus, make sure the children are placed in good homes and heal their wounds.  Bless the families that take them in and help them to give Your love to the displaced children.  I also ask Saint Theodoric to pray for the birth parents, that they experience healing and reconciliation with their children.  Saint Theodoric, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Blessed Antonio R. Serbati (1797-1855.)
Feast day July 1

quoteBrute force has to give way to moral force; what is reasonable and just always finds a way to be put into practice.”

Blessed Nazju Falzon (1813-1865)
Feast day July 1

quoteHe who desires only God is rich and happy: he is in want of nothing.”

quoteAll good consists in the love of God and the love of God consists in doing His will.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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