May 3 – Saints Philip and James


listenJesus My Lord, You chose Saints Philip and James to be two of Your first disciples, because they so openly and obviously loved God, and then You sent them out as apostles to share what they had learned.  As a baptized Christian, I, too, have been called to be an apostle, right where I am—in my home, my church, my workplace, and my neighborhood, using the love I have learned from You.  Help me to share the Good News by the way I live my life more than by the words I speak.  Strengthen my virtues so that people experience You when they encounter me.  Saints Philip and James, pray for me.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Blessed Marie Leonie Paradis (1840-1912)
Feast day May 3

quoteLet us work… while we are on earth because this is all God asks of us. There is no better prayer that we could offer Him than our dedication to work.”

Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur (1866-1914)
Feast day May 3

quoteOnly in the heart of Jesus do we find the definitive support, deep strength, and total understanding of our soul and its needs that enable us to progress and advance toward him.”

quoteLet us influence those around us, not by useless preaching, but by the irresistible power of our spirituality and the example of our lives.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

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