It’s true: There are anti-Catholics, satanists and witch covens casting curses against this ministry. They want to put Good News Ministries out of business. But they are being defeated, because Jesus is way more powerful!

Let’s be honest: We don’t win spiritual battles alone. We do it with the champions of our ministry: We need your help too.

Please stand with us today. 

1. Become a prayer warrior in our elite club The 7 Warriors of the Cross.

2. Send in a Prayer Commitment.

3. Most important: Conquer the spirit of poverty, which wants to make us lay off the staff to cripple GNM, with a generous or sacrificial donation today. Monthly support will make us even stronger.

Please champion our cause right now – Good News Ministries stands for true Catholic faith, hope, perseverance and the victory of Christ in these difficult times. We minister to countless people around the world who are discouraged, fearful, exhausted, anxious, confused, and stressed. In today’s world, with so much sin feeding into the empowerment of demons, we cannot fight the good fight without more help from fellow believers.

As a thank-you, I will personally send you my PDF  ebook “How to Win Victories in Spiritual Warfare“. NOTE: This is a free gift for donors for only a short time, and you must specifically ask for it so that we know you saw this offer. This 33-page ebook will give you scriptures and prayers to win spiritual battles for you and your family.

Terry and Ralph Modica
Co-Founders of Good News Ministries 

How to Win Victories in Spiritual WarfareThis printable handbook includes:

  • The Prayer for the Presence of Christ
  • Prayer for the Power of the Holy Spirit
  • Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
  • Prayer to Wear the Armor of God
  • Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
  • Prayer to Conquer Evil
  • Prayer to Break Curses
  • Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
  • Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons
  • Consecration to Mary Defeater of Satan
  • Consecrate Your Marriage to Mary Ark of the Covenant
  • Zechariah’s Canticle as a Victory Prayer
  • Praying the “Our Father” for Victory Over Evil.

Plus more than 200 scriptures!


Together we can change the world for Christ

Visit the Good News Ministries home page >>


2 Replies to “We are winning spiritual battles!

  1. It’s only because you are a big threat to the darkness. And light DISPELS darkness.
    A great woman of God once said, “What you focus on, you empower”, as she was also doing ministry and being attacked spiritually, and the Lord told her to not pay attention to anything the enemy was doing, but just focus on worshipping God. And like Jehoshaphat, as the worshippers went out to face the battle in front of the army, the enemy was defeated by the hand of the LORD as they worshipped Him, they did not even have to fight.

  2. Yes, i do believe the enemy is panicking and desperate because he knows the time is short, and i believe that it’s a deception tactic to try to intimidate, but his only power is through lies and deception. There are more angels on God’s side. And, we have Jesus. The enemy is already a defeated foe, and all power and authority has been given to Him, and He gives this power and authority over to people like you, who love Him. The enemy tried to make God’s people focus on him and his attacks more than on the overwhelming victory that is already theirs through the Cross. It’s more of a distraction than anything else. I remember once reading about Sister Faustina, how the enemy appeared in her room, and she just ignored it and continued doing God’s will and the enemy just left, powerless.

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