News August 24, 2023

Insider's View newsletter

News from Good News Ministries:

  • Streamlining and updating for better ministry
  • New! Rosary Podcast: When Disaster Hits, Find God
  • Plus great links to great content!

Streamlining and updating for better ministry

GNM logoAs you can see, this newsletter looks different. It’s also being emailed during the week instead of the weekend. We’ve been analyzing click-throughs and viewership, seeking ways to optimize what is most-loved about GNM, and pruning out what is a waste of staff time.

If you don’t like any of the changes we make, we hope you will let us know. Your feedback matters.

We have a new logo (simpler and more eye-catching) — you see it here on this page.

The GNM home page is being transitioned to a simpler, cleaner design. Our WordBytes site ( has already been similarly updated. Other sites will eventually be likewise be given a simpler design.

Come check out the GNM home page (! We’re redesigning it to be the all-in-one view of timely and daily faith-builders.

This newsletter is being honed down to its singular purpose: Notify GNM members of what’s happening inside the ministry and what’s new. Far fewer people open emails and visit the website on weekends than during the week; therefore, this newsletter will be sent out on Thursdays, the same day it’s published on the website. And it will be mailed to everyone who has signed up for any of our services (daily reflections, PDF downloads of WordBytes and prayers, etc.)

We are also reducing our social media outreach, ending our presence where there are few or no engagements and click-throughs: Gab, SmartCatholics, and MeWe. We are focusing our efforts on the busiest social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Tell us what you think!

Footsteps to Heaven podcast show with Terry Modica

New podcast episode!
When Disaster Hits, Find God (Rosary Podcast)

We have great news to share! We’re launching a new video series entitled “Rosary Podcasts“. Whoohooo! We’re so excited about this. And we hope you will give us feedback.

The first episode is called: “When Disaster Hits, Find God“. More than just the recitation of the Rosary, which you can join in with Ralph and me, it weaves an uplifting message through it. Each decade of the Rosary is lifted up for something important related to the message. It’s not just a beautiful prayer, it’s life-changing!

The message came from a WordBytes article @ Download it as a PDF.

Listen to this podcast @

Or watch the video @

Sign up for early access to podcasts. New episodes of the podcast show Footsteps to Heaven are published before this newsletter goes out. You can be notified as soon as new ones are published! Subscribe at for the podcast videos or at for the audio-only version.

Prayer Room

Good News Prayer Room:

Use our collection of Catholic prayers designed with your needs in mind. They will give you hope and a stronger connection to God’s love and support. What do you need prayers for today?


Post your prayer requests @


Good News WordBytes:

WANT MORE FAITH and HOPE in TROUBLED TIMES? WE’RE HERE for YOU! Choose from a variety of topics on our website of Catholic Faith-building articles. What do you need today?


Good News Media Library

Explore our Catholic Video Library for Faith Growth

Turn Sunday after Mass into a retreat day; watch videos from our library of faith-builders:

God bless you!

Every morning, I lift up in prayer everyone who helps Good News Ministries in any way (donors, volunteers, prayer supporters, etc.) and all the prayer requests posted on our site. What can I cover in prayer for you? Post your prayer request.

How else can the team and I serve you today? Visit our homepage.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Terry ModicaYour servant in Christ,
Terry Modica, Executive Director
Good News Ministries

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