Saturday May 20, 2023

Insider's View newsletter

For you this week:

  • Reflection for Saturday: Novena to the Holy Spirit begins TODAY!
  • Inside the Ministry: Personal update
  • This week’s WordBytes faith-builder: Signs and Wonders
  • Footsteps to Heaven podcast: 3 ways to un-stifle the Holy Spirit

This week’s Trivia Challenge: What was the name of the Jew who started spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ without first being properly instructed? (Check your answer at the end of this newsletter.)

Saturday May 20, 2023

ScripturesActs 18:23-28
Ps 47:2-3,8-10
John 16:23b-28

Saints Calendar:

“Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.” (From Saturday’s Gospel reading)

Reflection for Saturday:
Novena to the Holy Spirit begins TODAY!

Prayer to the Holy SpiritToday, May 20th, begin praying earnestly for a new in-filling and out-pouring of the Holy Spirit — in you, in your family, in your parish, and in the Church.

(Or if you read this belatedly, start any day! Just get it done. It’s that important.)

To bring our wayward loved ones back to Christ and to evangelize non-believers in today’s world, we have to rely heavily on the Holy Spirit. It is only the Holy Spirit who can change hearts and minds.

When I was a young adult, my stubborn convictions about the occult were converted to the truth only after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Friends had tried to warn me that I was playing with demons, but I did not believe them. My boyfriend (who later became my husband Ralph) actually saw a terrifying demon and went running from my house, but I thought it was just his imagination. It was the unique grace of truth from the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, that opened my mind to the truth. Jesus rescued me from the occult by leading me (though I did not ask for his guidance) to the Charismatic Renewal.

It is only the Holy Spirit who can change hearts and minds.

So how do we get people to pay attention to the Holy Spirit? Throughout the Book of Acts, we see how the early Christians did it: They were very active in their prayer lives, with praise, worship and teachings in gatherings of Spirit-filled church communities — so much so that miracles happened frequently.

The supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit is what got people’s attention then and it’s still happening today. Check our blog “Signs and Wonders” ( for amazing but true stories from members of the Good News Ministries community. Do you have a story to share? I’d greatly appreciate hearing about it so I can add it to our Signs and Wonders blog.

The Novena to the Holy Spirit on our website ( has our unique Good News flavor. Use it to deepen and renew your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Share it with others to evangelize them and strengthen their faith.

Inside the Ministry: Personal update

artwork by Terry's MomLast week I wrote about my 92-year-old mother. Here’s her newest painting; would you guess that she’s nearly completely blind from macular degeneration?

I’m still in the process of researching assisted living facilities and relying on the Holy Spirit to guide me. It’s not an easy decision. In many ways, Mom is thriving in her current independent-living facility. Her doctor thinks she should move, but he doesn’t really know her.

This past Wednesday, Mom and I toured an assisted living facility that seems very nice, and it’s only a 10-minute drive from my house. There’s no apartment available at this time; either we look elsewhere or we wait for the Lord to open up an opportunity that’s right for Mom.

Thank you for your prayers!

I’d be super-stressed out if I didn’t know that I can rely on the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for leading me to the Holy Helper, the Spirit of Truth!


This week’s recommended faith-builder:
Signs and Wonders

Miracles are not meant to be extraordinary events. Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit so that we can do what He did. “If you believe in Me, you will do the same works I do, and even greater” (John 14:12).

A couple of years ago, we compiled the testimonies of several GNM members who have experienced signs and wonders while doing the works of the Lord. Considering what has been happening in our world since then, you’ve got to read these amazing but true stories of God’s generosity and power intervening in people’s lives!


WordBytes is a library of Catholic faith-building articles by Good News Ministries. Come on in and explore! Visit today.

Footsteps to Heaven podcast show with Terry Modica

This week’s recommended podcast:
3 ways to un-stifle the Holy Spirit

Here’s a secret the devil does not want you to know — why he wants to stifle your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He’s afraid of what you will do!

It’s time we reclaimed what is rightfully ours as followers of Christ: a faith that works miracles. A faith that fulfills the promises made by Jesus! Read the Bible — the New Testament — to find all the times when the supernatural happened and ask, “Is this happening in my life?” And if the answer is no, ask: “Why not?” The key is your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

In this podcast, I name 8 ways that we stifle the Spirit and identify 3 ways to un-stifle the Spirit.

Listen to this podcast @

Or if you prefer to read it, download the transcript @

Trivia QuestionAnswer to this week’s Trivia Challenge:
What was the name of the Jew who started spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ without first being properly instructed? Apollos! See today’s first reading, Acts 18:23-28.

God bless you!

Every morning, I lift up in prayer everyone who helps Good News Ministries in any way (donors, volunteers, prayer supporters, etc.) and all the prayer requests posted on our site. What can I cover in prayer for you? Post your prayer request.

How else can the team and I serve you today? Visit our homepage.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Terry ModicaYour servant in Christ,
Terry Modica, Executive Director
Good News Ministries

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