Mystical Union with Christ through the Rosary

The podcast series below is a retreat by Terry Modica on Mystical Union with Christ through the Holy Rosary, recorded in 2010 in New Zealand.

The fig trees are budding and the grapevines are in blossom.
How delicious they smell. Yes spring is here!
Arise my beloved, my fair one and come away.
Song of Songs 2:13

Arise! Come and find rest and restoration with the One who calls you His beloved. What has wearied you? What are your troubles? Arise! Come and experience the joy of deeper union with Christ your Healer!

Using the Mysteries of the Rosary, we will rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Your healing will come as you listen to these presentations.

Terry Modica Catholic Speaker

Talk #1:
Jesus Takes Your Tears and Your Yearnings

Tears and yearnings are seeds being sown in fertile soil.

Part 1

Part 2

Talk #2:
Joyful Mysteries: Experience the Joy of Christ Even During Times of Stress

Our seeds sprout in the glory of God

Part 1

Part 2

Talk #3:
Luminous Mysteries: Growing in the mission of Christ

Our sprouts mature into blossoms and fruits.

Part 1

Part 2

Talk #4:
Sorrowful Mysteries: Communion with Jesus means becoming Eucharist

Jesus is the vine, we are His branches, snipped and sheared as we follow our Beloved all the way to the Cross and beyond.

Part 1

Part 2

Talk #5:
Glorious Mysteries: Blossoming in the Empowered Life

We are resurrected by the Holy Spirit to a life full of new joys and victories.

Part 1

Part 2

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