Powerful morning prayers to start your day
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Enhance your day with these powerful, Catholic daily prayers. Pray along with Terry Modica’s for an enhanced experience of daily prayer time. It includes a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Angelus, Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles, intercessions, Consecration to Mary, Pope Saint Leo XIII’s prayer to Saint Joseph and his Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, and a Prayer to Your Guardian Angel. In the middle of it is the day’s Good News Reflection.
You may download a PDF of the prayers used in these videos, below.
How important is daily prayer?
“One of the chief means of our salvation is perseverance in mental prayer. It is so powerful a one that I know of no other way of attaining to perfection. If we are proficient in that exercise we need never fear; but if we neglect it, let us dread the consequences, for we run a great risk of losing our souls.” ~ Saint John Baptist Rossi (1698-1764)
Why morning prayer?
Before starting your day, do you take a moment to connect with God? Many of us jump into our busy schedules without pausing to invite God’s presence into our day. Prayer at the beginning of the day profoundly affects the rest of the day.
Mornings are a fresh opportunity to open our hearts to God’s love and align our minds with God’s will. Prayer as a top priority after awakening will equip us spiritually for what lies ahead. We must intentionally invite God into the day before the day becomes a distraction from prayer. We know that our bodies need rest and refreshment at night; likewise our spirits need to rest in the Lord each morning, consciously reconnecting to the Holy Spirit who is our Guide and Comforter. Just like we drink coffee to energize our bodies for the day ahead, so too we need to charge up our spiritual strength with prayer.
The habit of morning prayer will increase mental clarity and create a foundation of peace for every situation we face.
Right here I want to give a shout out to my long-time friend Nancy Viola. She stayed with me for five weeks after my husband passed away. I was too numb and too deep in grief to pray by my own efforts. My prayer life was simply remembering that Jesus was with me and that he cared. Nancy shared her morning prayers with me, leading me through them. Those ten minutes each day were extremely important; I’m very grateful for Nancy.
Many people have difficulty with the habit of morning prayer. What do you do with that time? Good News Ministries has a tool (a video) that’s designed to lead you through a set of great, Catholic, day-starting prayers. This video makes it easy to improve your daily prayer life.
Powerful daily prayers to enhance your day
A free PDF document of the prayers used in these videos are available for your own personal use.
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