by GNM artists

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Jesus meets Veronica
by Kathleen Ellertson from Oklahoma
Art Medium: Oil Painting

Station 6

Veronica showed deep caring for You when she risked the ridicule of the people and the wrath of the soldiers in order to wipe Your sacred face. Help me to love You so much that I’d do anything for You, no matter what others think of me. Amen.

The artist’s story: When Terry called for these Stations to be painted, I immediately chose this one. I suppose on some level I would like to believe that I would have been brave enough to step forward and wipe the face of Jesus; I hope that that deep desire brings comfort to Our Lord even now.

In rendering the scene, I tried to catch a different angle of Jesus, focusing mostly on his Precious Face — battered and broken out of Love for us — and the Wood of the Cross. In the background, unable to stop the horror, transfixed by her Lord, stands Veronica in all of us.

Behold the Lamb of God!

Next: Station #7 »

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