Saint John of Avila

Turn yourself round like a piece of clay and say to the Lord: I am clay, and you, Lord, the potter. Make of me what you will.

Pope Saint John XXIII

Peace will be but an empty sounding word unless it is … founded on truth, built according to justice, vivified and integrated by charity, and put into practice in freedom.

San Francisco Laval

Recuerden que la semilla de la Palabra de Dios produce frutos en la paciencia.

Saint Francis Laval

Let them remember that the seed of the Word of God bears fruit in patience.

Sierva de Dios Elisabeth Leseur

Influyamos en quienes nos rodean, no con una predicación inútil, sino con el poder irresistible de nuestra espiritualidad y el ejemplo de nuestras vidas.

Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur

Let us influence those around us, not by useless preaching, but by the irresistible power of our spirituality and the example of our lives.

Papa San Martín I

En cuanto a mi cuerpo, Dios se encargará de cuidarlo. Dios está conmigo. ¿Por qué me voy a preocupar?

Beata Chiara Luce Badano

Estaba muy absorta en cosas insignificantes, frí­volas y pasajeras. Otro mundo estaba esperando por mí­ y todo lo que tuve que hacer fue rendirme a él. Pero ahora siento como si estuviera envuelta en un […] Read More

Blessed Chiara Luce Badano

I was too much absorbed in insignificant things, frivolous and transient things. Another world was waiting for me and all I had to do was to surrender myself to it. But now I feel like […] Read More

Pope Saint Martin I

As for my body, God will take care of it. God is with me. Why should I worry?