Good News Ministries is an international Catholic evangelization and faith formation About - What Do We Accomplish As Evangelizers? - eventsministry that teaches people to “Love God with your whole heart and your whole mind and your whole soul, and love others as you love yourself; love even your enemies, and do good to them.” This is done successfully by helping people:

  1. understand more than ever before what God’s love for us means,
  2. how constant his companionship is,
  3. recognize areas in their lives that still need conversion, without condemnation,
  4. while challenging them to more fully live out their calling to continue the mission of Christ,
  5. through the power and help of the Holy Spirit.

The foundational premise of all our teachings is this:

If we truly live the way Christ taught us to in the Sermon on the Mount, others will be converted by the witness of our lives and our love.

Learning to share the Good News is made easy by using the gifts and talents God has given us.

Every person can make this world a better place — and can help their local parish achieve its goals through their time, talent and treasure — simply by being who God designed us to be. We empower people to succeed in this.


Nothing we do is pre-canned. We tailor the event you host to what you want to accomplish.

About - What Do We Accomplish As Evangelizers? - Mission at Bovina, Texas

Here are some of what we have provided for other parishes and Catholic organizations:

  1. Energizing the faith of Catholics.
  2. Inspiring people to become more involved in stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.
  3. Training and re-inspiring current evangelization teams.
  4. Re-invigorating Small Christian Communities and sending them forth in out-reach.
  5. Helping all parish organizations identify their unique roles in evangelization.
  6. Giving on-going formation in the Catholic identity to parishioners.
  7. Renewing energy and enthusiasm in staff members, ministry leaders, catechists, and others who are involved in serving the parish.

See the topics you can choose from — or request a consultation to design your own program.


Good News Ministries inspires participants to become actively involved in their parish. It teaches an attitude of willingness, humility, and sacrifice. It inspires community, love, and loyalty to their priests and fellow parishioners.


Terry Modica & Fr. Joseph KimuMons. Joseph Kimu, Director of Radio Maria Malawi and Vicar General of the Diocese of Blantyre is our international chaplain. We have been vetted by our bishop’s office in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay, Inc., is listed in the Official Catholic Directory. We are known and respected by local priests and other priests around the world. Their contact info can be made available to inquirers.

If you are interested in parish-wide evangelization, see How to Develop an Outreach Program in the Parish.”

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