October 2 – Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels

listenHeavenly Father, You have sent guardian angels to relay Your messages to us, to protect us from danger, and to rescue us from the Evil One.  I thank You for the precious gift of these holy guardians that You assigned to me and my loved ones.  O Lord, give us Your help through our angels to fend off the evil spirits that tempt us, that send us deceptive messages, that try to cause divisions, and all others who seek the ruin of our souls.  I also pray that the guardian angels of my church, my town and my nation will have all the strength and power they need to protect us from the snares and attacks of wickedness.  Guardian angels, pray for us.  Amen.

Quote for Today

Blessed Jan Beyzym (1850-1912)
Feast day October 2

quoteWhat you do for the least of my creatures, that you do unto me. We must be like the merchants of this Earth: We must always aim at a greater gain.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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