May 2 – Saint Athanasius of Alexandria


listenO Savior Jesus, Saint Athanasius of Alexandria defended You as true God and true man at a time when false teachings about Your divinity were spreading within the Church.  Today, one of the false teachings of the New Age is that we are divine, we are the Christ, and we can work miracles without You because we are You!  I ask Saint Athanasius to pray for all those who believe this lie.  Anoint their minds to understand their need for You to save them from sin.  Anoint their hearts to hunger for a love greater than what they can find within themselves.  Protect us in our search for Truth.  Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, pray for us.  Amen.

Quotes for Today

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (c.293-373)

quoteIf… it is by the sign of the cross and by faith in Christ that death is trampled underfoot, it is clear that it is Christ Himself and none other Who is the Arch-victor over death and has robbed it of its power.”

quoteThe Son of God became man so that the sons of men, the sons of Adam, might become sons of God…. He is the Son of God by nature, we, by grace.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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