May 24 – Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger


listenJesus My Lord, because of the great holiness of Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger’s (521-596) prayer life, and because of his growing reputation as a healer and miracle worker, the place where he lived as a hermit became a site for many pilgrimages.  I ask him to pray for my reputation.  Help me to become someone that people seek out because they see You in me.  When they come to me in search of special favors from You, teach me to decrease so that You may increase in me.  Show me how to be a pliable instrument in Your holy hands, able to accomplish much good only because it is You who makes it happen.  Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger, pray for me.  Amen.

Quote for Today

Saint Vincent of Lerins (d.445)
Feast Day May 24

quoteIf what is new begins to be mingled with what is old, the profane with the sacred, this disorder will spread universally…. May God’s mercy avert this wickedness from the minds of His servants; be it rather the frenzy of the ungodly.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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