April 6 – Saint William of Eskilsoe


listenMighty God, Saint William of Eskilsoe (c.1125-1203) worked so hard on his spiritual growth that he developed a widespread reputation for holiness and austerity.  I ask him to pray for my spiritual growth.  Help me, Lord, to become rigorous in my studies of Church teaching and scripture, devoted to understanding Your ways.  Make me steadfast in learning more about the truth and determined to be unswayed by the lies and deceptions of the world.  Give me a desire to work hard at staying on the road of holiness.  And let the fruits of my labors be a life that convinces others to follow the same path.  Saint William of Eskilsoe, pray for me.  Amen

Quote for Today

Blessed Zefirino Agostini (1813-1896)
Feast day April 6

quoteDo not be dismayed by toil or suffering, nor by the meager fruit of your labors. Remember that God rewards not according to results, but effort.”


The prayer above is from Terry Modica’s book Daily Prayers with the Saints.

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