News August 22, 2024

Insider's View newsletter

News from Good News Ministries:

  • Powerful Daily Prayers to Help You Find Inner Peace
  • This week’s recommended video: Unlocking the Spiritual Wisdom of Saint John Paul II
  • Plus great links to great content!

Powerful Daily Prayers to Help You Find Inner Peace

Saint Michael the ArchangelGood News Ministries has a collection of powerful, Catholic, daily prayers. The more you pray them, the more inner peace you will feel.

Do you know of this prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel that was written by Pope Leo XIII? It’s not the one that we usually recite; it’s even more powerful because it reminds us of why God helps us in spiritual battles.

O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to our aid, for Almighty God created us immortal, made us in His own image and likeness, and redeemed us at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give us the victory. We venerate you as our protector and patron; in you the holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to you God has entrusted the human soul to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold us in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, make him captive in the abyss that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

What’s your daily prayer routine? Sometimes we recite them so quickly that the prayer comes only from our lips and not our hearts. Sometimes we’re not sure how to pray. These are a couple of the reasons why I put together a collection  of powerful daily prayers on video. And to help us hear God’s response, these videos include the day’s Good News Reflection.

Other prayers on the videos include a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Angelus, Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles, intercessory prayer requests, a Consecration to Mary, Pope Saint Leo XIII’s prayer to Saint Joseph, and a Prayer to Your Guardian Angel.

Subscribe to GNM’s YouTube channel @ (if you haven’t done so yet, set up your YouTube account so you can receive notifications). When you click the “subscribe” button, it will turn into “Subscribed” and will provide options for notifications. Choose “all” or “personalized.” The easiest way to receive each day’s prayer and reflection is to rely on the YouTube app on your mobile device.

Each day’s video will be published at 0:00 (12am) Florida time (Sundays are published 0:00 on Saturdays for those who need it sooner). God bless your special time alone with God!

Let me know what you think of it.

Prayer Room

Good News Prayer Room:

Remember, we also have a lot of other prayers — designed with your needs in mind. They will give you hope and a stronger connection to God’s love and support. What do you need prayers for today?


Post your prayer requests @

Good News Media Library

This week’s recommended video:
Unlocking the Spiritual Wisdom of Saint John Paul II

On the podcast show Mercy Unbound, Dr. Bryan Thatcher, founder of the Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy, discussed with me my study guide on “Ecclesia de Eucharistia,” the encyclical on the Church of the Eucharist written by Pope Saint John Paul II. This workbook, which is ideal for parish groups, is available @ As he pointed out, “This book is particularly timely during this period of Eucharistic renewal.”

Don’t miss out on it!

To see this podcast episode, visit

The Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy is an apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, active in over 45 countries.

God bless you!

Every morning, I lift up in prayer everyone who helps Good News Ministries in any way (donors, volunteers, prayer supporters, etc.) and all the prayer requests posted on our site. What can I cover in prayer for you? Post your prayer request.

How else can the team and I serve you today? Visit our homepage.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

Terry ModicaYour servant in Christ,
Terry Modica, Executive Director
Good News Ministries

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