Session #11

The Cross Always Takes Us To Resurrection

Question for discussion (please post a comment):

What are some of the resurrections you’ve experience from the crosses you’re carrying at this time? In other words, what blessings or what growth? Does thinking about these resurrections give you joy and gratefulness? Does your burden seem lighter?

R.I. wrote:

I would like to share about the blessings, the growth I’ve experienced from the crosses I’ve been carrying. I used to grudge and complain frequently about the unpleasant situations I face. As time goes by, God teaches me that being resistant won’t help to solve the problems. It magnifies the damage instead. It steals my joy, hope, optimism, productivity, and makes my days gloomy.

One day, God sent a friend to share me the video of “Facing the Giants” — and later I read the book as well. There is an interesting quote:
“Focus on giants, you stumble.
Focus on God, your giants tumble.”

I learned that there is no use focusing on the problem, as it will only magnify it. Instead, we need to focus on God alone so we can see how great He is and the problem is nothing compared to His greatness.

Then, this verse suddenly made sense to me: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light” (Matthew 11:29-30). His yoke would be easy and light if only I followed His guidance, His instructions. No need to be resistant, as God knows the limit I can bear. Being resistant will only increase the pain, while being humble and obedient will reduce the pain and increase the joy, because the burden will be lighter since God Himself will take most of the weight of the yoke. What a privilege to carry the yoke/ the cross together with Him.”

Thank you for participating in this course!

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