Session #3

Two Ways We Block the Holy Spirit

Question for discussion (please post a comment):
How do you normally ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and guide you?

Comments from the live event

L.M. wrote:

Normally I ask/pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten, strengthen, console and guide me.

S.L. wrote:

Apart from praying, I love to ask the Holy Spirit to fill me and empower me by singing prayerfully songs that are directed to him, one of which is “Come, Holy Spirit”, and countless other such songs. It is very inspiring and quiets the soul to become conscious of his presence.

J.J. shared:

The Holy Spirit has made His Presence known a lot over the last two years. Whenever some problem would arise, suddenly (miraculously) everything would work out. I kept thinking “Wow, that was luck” until someone enlightened me about Divine Providence. I see the Holy Spirit so alive and so active in our lives now. The big things, the little things. The small things that matter only to us, that shows us how much He loves and cares for us.

My prayer to the Holy Spirit for a while is to ask Him to fill my heart and increase His Fruits and Gifts in me. I ask Him to help me know Him better, help me know His Voice and His Will. I Praise and Thank Him for everything He’s done in my life. I found a prayer card I really like:

“O, Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul …. I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do … give me Your orders.
I promise to submit myself to all You desire of me
and to accept all that You permit to happen to me.
Let me only know Your Will.

E.F. shared:

I simply pray dialogue and ask the Holy Spirit to guide in all my needs, doubts and questions. Here is my favorite prayer to the Holy Spirit:

Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with your holy gifts.
Let my charity be such as to offend no one and hurt no one’s feelings,
so generous as to pardon sincerely any wrong done to me.
Let my weakness be penetrated with your strength this very day
that I my fulfill all the duties of my state conscientiously
and do what is right and just.
Assist me, O Holy Spirit, in all my trials in life.
Enlighten me in my ignorance,
advise me in my doubts,
strengthen me in my weakness,
help me in all my needs,
protect me in temptations,
console me in all my afflictions.
Graciously hear me, O Holy Spirit,
And pour your light into my heart, soul and mind.
Assist me to live a holy life and to grow in goodness and grace.

Session #4 >>>

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