Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

Joy that can change the world

Reflection Questions:

Have you ever experienced the joy of helping someone else by using the wisdom or knowledge you gained from a difficult challenge you endured?

Where might you find people who could benefit from what you learned in your marriage or your parenting experiences? Are you willing to take the next step by making yourself available? Trust Jesus! When we step forward in faith to do ministry, he doesn’t ask us to feel adequate or confident. He only asks us to say “yes” and to rely on the Holy Spirit as we serve the needs of others.

Response from L.K.:

This past summer, my husband and I started marriage counseling with a Christian counselor. It was the hardest but best step we made. We are slooowly making changes in ourselves that needed to be done. I’m sharing this season of our lives, instead of being ashamed of it, to give other couples hope. I already have shared our story with one woman who is going through a difficult time, and she asked for the name of our counselor. Seek help!


Chapter 3, Part 1 >>>

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