Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

How the Gospel message helps families

Reflection Questions:

Name a favorite story from one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). Any story! Then think about how the message behind this story can help make a marriage or family life stronger. Please share your ideas and insights!

R.J. answers with this excellent example:

The story that comes to my mind is that of the Prodigal Son (Luke Chapter 15:11-32). Though the story’s title projects the son as the hero, the real hero is definitely the Father — Our Almighty God. How this may help in a marriage: All of us have some defects, whether we accept it or not. But what is encouraging is the fact that there is a God who is waiting to embrace us, to help us to get over the weakness, come what may. Of course, only by spending time with God (reading the Word of God and our personal prayer) would we be able to face the crisis with our partner in a calm way.


Chapter 3, Part 2 >>>

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