Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (8)

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Session #8
Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit:

The Rosary for Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Question for discussion (please post a comment):
The Rosary is a great help for living in the power of the Holy Spirit.  As Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, honoring her by praying the Rosary provides significant power.  Have you had an experience of a miracle resulting from praying the Rosary? Please build the faith of others by sharing your story.

Comments from the live event

C.J. shares this:

My life is full of miracles, thanks to Mary and the Rosary. I was very ill when I was a new mom. I couldn’t sleep. I actually hoped that God would let me die, so I prayed the rosary. Mary became very real to me. I have celiac disease and didn’t know it, but I got better thanks to Mary showing me where to look for answers. That was before anyone knew much about it.

I became a Eucharistic minister to the sick and dying. I could write for hours all the conversion stories God allowed me to witness. Some of these people were away from church for 50+ years, but the common denominator was that they all had continued to pray the Rosary, even though they were away from their faith. They all died receiving the last Sacraments. Some if them never even made it back to church before they died, because of illness.

God is a God of great mercy and Mary is mother of mercy and distributor of God’s graces. I also made the Consecration to Jesus through Mary and renew it every year, and I am also a part of the IIPG Internet prayer group. I’ve been to Medjugorje twice and will be going back again in October. In her messages, she tells us she is with us, helping us, guiding us. And she speaks constantly about praying to the Holy Spirit. She only comes to guide us to her Son, and she needs us to be apostles of light and love in a dark world. How blessed we all are to be here learning more about the Holy Spirit!

D.A. wrote:

I have seen miraculous healing in my daughter. As she was at the hospital, and my other daughter and I took care of her two children, I sometimes prayed the Holy Rosary and asked Mama Mary to help us all carry our cross, because at the time we really didn’t know if my daughter would make it. The Holy Spirit always was with us. I can truly say that if it wasn’t for God actually holding us in his Mercy, we, as a family, couldn’t have made it through this very trying time in our life. Praise God in all His Glory.

O.D. says:

I was born knowing to pray only to Mother Mary. The patron of my parish was Our Lady of Assumption. I always prayed to Mother Mary, and the Holy Trinity was a far away thing.

When I finished my studies, at the age of 22, I shifted to a larger city in search of a job. When I got the job and began traveling by train every day, I started saying the Rosary. Years later when I attended my first Charismatic Retreat along with my husband (he had come come into the Charismatic Renewal before me), I learned to intercede for others through the Rosary. After coming into the Renewal, one day as I was kneeling and bowing before the statue of Mother Mary, God spoke and gave me the scripture John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth”.

Slowly, the Holy Trinity became real to me. Mama Mary showed the way to her Son. I continue to intercede through the Rosary, and everyone who prays over me can see Mother Mary. Through this I have become a strong intercessor in the Lord’s vineyard.

Session #9 >>>

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