A free video course
(Transcript is available below)
Living in the power of the Holy Spirit: Course Description
In this video course, I’ll lead you through the discovery (or deeper-than-ever-before discovery) of what living in the power of the Holy Spirit can be really like for you.
We are given the fullness of the Holy Spirit when we are baptized. In today’s world, we face many challenges and evil forces that threaten our joy and inner peace, and so we need to release the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you feel powerless in dealing with the difficulties you’re facing? Do you feel empty and alone? The Holy Spirit was given to you by Jesus, to be your Helper, a constant, faithful, supernatural Companion. If you feel like there should be more of God’s help in your life, you’re right. There should be. There can be! God desires this for you even more than you do.
In this course, we cover:
Week 1 – Stop Dreaming and Start Building Your Dream with Jesus
Week 2 – Recognizing and Winning Spiritual Warfare
Week 3 – Mary, Our Mother, Spouse of the Holy Spirit
Week 4 – Making Your Prayers More Powerful
This course is also available for download as MP3 podcast files from The Good News Show.
Begin the video course “Living in the power of the Holy Spirit” >>>
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Living in the power of the Holy Spirit
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