Session #6

Discerning the Spirit

How do you discern the presence of the Holy Spirit? How does one learn to detect the Holy Spirit’s activity or guidance?

It’s Your breath in our lungs, O Lord, so we pour out our praise to You (Great Are You Lord, performed by All Sons & Daughters).

Questions for discussion (please post a comment):
How have you noticed the presence or activity of the Holy Spirit? How has this changed your life or the circumstances in which it happened?

Comments from the live event

N.D. shared this: As much as I feel and know the Holy Spirit is active in my life, in the events, the ministry work I do, and normal living, I have always felt I never fully connected in my heart. Head knowledge to some level, but not full heart connection. I have longed to have the “inside” track so that I could truly know without a doubt: speak in tongues, the whole nine yards. A few years back, I kind of gave up even trying to speak in tongues, figuring the Spirit doesn’t want me to. I still desire to speak in tongues, but if it is a gift I have been given, I do not know how to open the gift. I feel this course have touched my world very intimately: I have become more aware and I have noticed the peace and joy that I live with daily — this joy is a deep joy.

I thank you, for this course has helped me to see how much the Spirit is active in my life. I was speaking with my my spiritual director today, telling him how I feel a deep joy this year that I haven’t felt all my life. He understood what I was sharing and had noticed the change. This course fed my head-knowledge, which I appreciate, but it also helped to open my eyes to what and how the Holy Spirit has been active in my life. Being able to see his actions helps me to know his love with more depth. This joy I am experiencing has been carrying me through good days and bad. I took this course hoping to find a way to bring the Holy Spirit into my life. So far, you have shown me how much he is already present and active; what a treasure.

I love the prayer you encourage us to pray daily. I am excited to see where this life adventure will take me with the addition of praying actively to the Holy Spirit. I have always felt my prayers are inadequate and have wanted the Holy Spirit to pray through me, for my words fail. Perhaps that dream doesn’t need to fade.

Session #7 >>>

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