Session #10

What Happens When We Are Nailed to the Cross of Christ

Let’s begin this session with a prayer meditation. Bring to mind how you have been nailed to the cross of Christ. Then hit the play button:


Now play it again after watching the video.


For personal reflection:

Who has nailed you, preventing you from doing what you want to do? How can you turn this into an opportunity of redemptive love?

JM wrote:

Patience and Love. If one must express <negative> feelings, meditate long with Jesus first and appreciate the Love created in your peaceful soul radiating God’s Love and understanding. Amen. God bless us one and all.

R. wrote, in continuation of the second story from Session 10:

My sister and I grew up living with my grandparents, the parents of my mother. My parents were business people, so they went to the office in the early morning and returned home late at night. I felt very close to my grandparents, and this made my father jealous.

My sister passed away on 2007 at the age of 23 due to dengue fever. This really hurt us. My mother and I received encouragement from the Eucharist, Christian friends, prayer, and other channels which connected are to God and our faith. My father, sadly, met the “wrong” people, who have the tendency to be Moslem extremists.

Previously, my father had no problems with the Catholic faith being in our family. After meeting those people, his perception changed and he started to treat us badly. The decision he made against his marriage to my mother is one of the impacts of meeting those people.

My mother and I have tried to minister to him according to our Catholic faith, but he won’t listen to us. It feels like we’ve been nailed together with Christ on the cross. There is nothing we can do except to love my father and pray for his repentance from this cross. It hurts us to see our loved ones walking toward hell. Even though he doesn’t treat us well, the hurt of losing him eternally is the pain that hurts us the most.

Through this cross, we believe God will never leave us. He is always with us and He will accompany us to help us get through this cross and to bring us into victorious resurrection. We believe God will revive our family and save my father from his destructive path. There is no hatred left in our heart. God has replaced it with mercy instead.

Session #11 >>>

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