Good News Ministries welcomes you to more faith!
Home » Good News Ministries welcomes you to more faith!
About This Catholic Ministry:
Visit the Good News Ministries home page as your go-to place for helpful, healing daily reflections, podcasts, videos, personal messages from God, daily prayers with Saints, books by Terry Modica, weekly faith-building articles, prayer-of-the-week, and more!
Our Good News Mission:
While “Good News Ministries” is a common name, we uniquely provide the true teachings of the Catholic Church and Holy Scripture in a way that increases your faith and empowers to you grow stronger spiritually. Good News Ministries is an antidote to the challenging times we live in.
Our Motto:
Keep Christ at the center, the Word of Truth in your heart, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church as the guardian of your soul.
Good News Ministries’ most popular feature:
The daily Catholic Good News Reflections make the scriptures meaningful
for your everyday life. Subscribe free by email and text message. They are life-enriching, short and thought-provoking messages about the readings from the Catholic Mass, always in compliance with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Our Availability:
We’ve been pioneering the use of technology since 1996 to deliver Catholic faith-building services. With the vision to identify how to use it early and often, we have been successfully giving Jesus Christ to people who are not otherwise reached by traditional methods, on a global scale.
We change the world by changing hearts for Christ:
We inspire Catholics to become fully alive as Christians, growing in holiness, deepening their prayer life, and developing a personal relationship with Jesus who gives us salvation and with the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live the way Christ calls us to live.
First we help Catholics to discover how passionately Jesus cares about them. Then we teach them to share their faith by using the gifts and talents and experiences and skills they already have. Join with us in renewing the face of the earth!
Every Catholic can be activated in the ministry of evangelization!
The Call to Holiness
Who you are as a Catholic Christian: Because of your baptism and your belief in Christ, you are a saint who can grow in holiness daily through the Holy Spirit’s power.
The Call to Mission
Identify your divine purpose: You have gifts and talents that can attract others to Christ.
The Call to Change the World How to evangelize by living the Good News: Grow stronger in living and sharing the unconditional love of Jesus in everyday life and in the parish.
We teach from:
The Nicene Creed
The Sermon on the Mount
The Lord’s Prayer
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People of Vatican Council II
On Evangelization in the Modern World by Pope Paul VI
Pope Saint John Paul II’s writings on the Eucharist
Pope Francis’ encyclicals
Personal experience
Hear the story of Good News Ministries from an interview of co-founder Terry Modica on her diocese’s radio station.
Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay was founded in 1995 by Terry and Ralph Modica in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida. Our staff and volunteer team serve from across the US and around the world. The Executive Director Terry Modica is an international speaker and author. (Ralph unfortunately passed away in 2024.)
There are too many people who are turning their backs on Christ and Church and their own salvation. The numbers have been increasing and the world is worse off for it. Meanwhile, there are too few passionately committed disciples of Christ embracing the mission with their whole heart and soul and life. If we allow Good News Ministries to slow down or shrink (there is no such thing as plateauing and staying there), we sin greatly and we will be accountable for the souls that we could have reached but did not. (Wow, ouch! Imagine dying and discovering how many souls failed to reach heaven because of you.)
The word that the Lord has given to us and confirmed and re-confirmed down through the years is that we must reach out and find people who are not being served well by their local churches, and those who are not interested in going to church, and those who are hurting and seeking the Lord. Since 1999, we have relied heavily on the written word via email broadcasts and several websites, but younger generations are not using these tools like older generations do.
God is a God of more. There is much, much more that needs to be done for his kingdom in this world today. So much darkness, yet so few are spreading the Light of Christ! The founding director, Terry Modica, says, “I will work hard to spread that light all the way to my dying breath.”
The question is, can we afford to keep doing this work? After going deep into prayer about it, the Lord reminded me: With the current level of faithlessness in the world, we cannot afford to not do this.
Please pray about becoming part of the Good News Ministries team one way or another. Will you give God your enthusiastic, whole-hearted yes?
We are connecting with those who are disconnected from the Catholic Church!
Almost from the beginning, Good News Ministries has been active on the internet to reach the hearts and souls of people who struggle to discover that Jesus is real and that he really does care -- including those who are not...
Permission to copy the works of Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay, Inc.
Everything at and is provided free for personal use . You will be granted permission, soon after submitting your request, to print what you're requesting for yourself. Submitting the request helps us learn...
How can we help?
Asking for prayers?
Please direct your prayer request to so that the entire Good News Prayer Network can get involved.
Asking about signing up for the Good News Reflections?
To sign up for your subscription to the Good News Reflections, please go...
Be a missionary without leaving home!
A few suggestions
Join us (or become more involved) in the apostleship of the mission of Good News Ministries. You can be a Good News Missionary, serving the Lord with us, changing the world one soul at a time. Here are some ideas on how to do it, but of course...
How to worship God more deeply by giving of yourself
A story about feeling cheated
Some years ago, I learned a valuable lesson about the connection between worship and the work of the mission of Christ. Ralph and I helped a family in our church by giving them much-needed financial support to pay...
+ Administrative Board: Terry Modica, Bill Snyder, Beth Solis
+ Staff: Kathy Taylor, Graciela Ribot, Fernando Ramos, Lily Cañon Valverde
+ Priest/Advisor: Mons. Joseph Kimu
+ Volunteers: Champions of the Good News who give their time and talents.
Terry Modica
Terry is cofounder and ...
We're under the protection of Our Lady of Lilies
Before I tell you how Mary as Our Lady of the Lilies became the primary Patron Saint of Good News Ministries, it's important to point out that, in Scripture, the lily is recognized for its beauty and fragrance. It's often used to designate:
How can we serve you today?
We are delighted that you’re here! Come on in and explore our many opportunities to understand more fully God’s love for you. Become more certain of the saving power of Jesus Christ. And receive the miraculous anointing of the Holy Spirit. We will help you learn to ...
Is This Ministry Trustworthy?
~ Ecclesial Approval ~
Although an imprimatur is impossible due to the ever-growing number of writings available here and the fluid nature of many of these resources, rest assured that Church authority does oversee and approve of the works of Good News Ministries of Tampa...
To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
All of the mailing lists for Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay, Inc., are opt-in, meaning that no one can be added to...
Join the Team!
If you want to make a world-wide difference for the Kingdom of God, join the Good News Ministries Team! We are here to open wide the door for you.
Download and read our Mission and Principles PDF document, Who We Are, What We Believe, How We Serve the Lord .
Download our 9...
Designed by artist Patrick Campbell
In a collaboration between Good News Ministries and Patrick Campbell, founder of the Cross of Saint Benedict Society, the Good News Cross of Saint Benedict was designed in April of 2017 to protect your home and family from evil.
It is shaped like a simple monstrance,...
"Do Whatever He Tells You"
Hear the story of Good News Ministries from an interview of co-founder Terry Modica on her diocese's radio station.
The story of Good News Ministries reveals God's amazing ways
The year 1993 was a real bummer for Ralph Modica. The company he...
Founder of Good News Ministries
Terry Modica is founder and Executive Director of Good News Ministries, author, international speaker, retreat director, photographer, podcast host, and faith formation teacher.
Short Biography
Terry Modica joined the Roman Catholic Church in 1977, drawn in by...
Co-founder of Good News Ministries
June 20, 1955 - February 5, 2024
How God introduced me to the man I would marry
by Terry Modica
Ralph and I were high school sweethearts. We met in Public Speaking Class. At that time in our pre-evangelized lives, it was impossible to even imagine that...
Terry and Ralph Modica
Faith-building Catholic Speakers
Terry Modica and her husband, Ralph, are Catholic Lay Evangelists -- Catholic parish mission speakers -- who provide inspirational, faith-building retreats, contemporary parish missions, and other adult faith formation events. They have...
Terry Modica
Catholic Speaker, Evangelist, Author, Retreat Director
Themes include:
The Holy Spirit, Marriage, Relationships, Marian Life, Prayer, Evangelization, Bible study, Catholic Culture, Her Conversion Story from a Protestant upbringing and from the occult, Ministry Discernment, Pro-life ...
Good News Ministries is an international Catholic evangelization and faith formation ministry that teaches people to "Love God with your whole heart and your whole mind and your whole soul, and love others as you love yourself; love even your enemies, and do good to them." This is done ...
Suggested Themes for Good News
Retreats and Parish Missions
Mrs. Terry Modica (author, podcaster, founder and director of Good News Ministries since 1995) and her husband Ralph are Catholic speakers who can build faith and energize your people.
Download our brochure
Terry Modica's...
Find out if Terry Modica is available to come to your event.
For other reasons to contact us, please switch to the generic form .
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The following suggested donations for speaker stipends may be discounted for small budgets; contact us for a solution that fits your group's needs. In some cases, we are able to do it at no cost by obtaining sponsorship from our own benefactors.
Keynote conference presentation: $1,000
1. Posts are held for approval and then forwarded to the Good News Prayer Network. Your prayer intentions are carried to God by countless caring people all around the world.
2. All fields are required! We do not share any identifiable, personal information to anyone. Use only first names in your prayer request. Any information that you give to us is protected with the utmost care and security.
3. Do not use abbreviated words as is done in text messaging, because that makes it difficult for some of your prayer supporters, who come from around the world. If your prayer request is important enough to post here, take the time to spell correctly, please!
4. Use capital letters only where they belong. DO NOT post in ALL CAPS. Capitalize names appropriately.
5. Please, no lazy disrespect for God’s names (Jesus, not jesus). And DO NOT POST FULL NAMES! We want to fully protect the identity of everyone.
6. Limit text to to briefly stated prayers.
7. NO QUOTED (formula) prayers – use your own words.
10 Spiritual Exercises to Heal from the Wounds of the Heart: Heal your father wounds through the love of Father God.
What are you seeking from God your Father? How close do you feel to the Father’s heart? Do you know that, if what you want is good and God doesn’t have a better plan, you already have what you seek? It often takes time for it to be revealed and understood, but God has already granted it because he loves you far more than you realize.
215 short inspirational messages that bring God’s radical love into the context of romantic relationships.
Two private reflection questions at the end of each message will help you apply the messages to your everyday life and challenges. This is followed by ideas for discussing the topic as a couple to further integrate it into your relationship.
A suspense-filled Christian novel about the saving power of love. Patti Regall is a young mother trying to escape from a lifetime of abuse and the devil-worshiping coven that wants to use her little boys, Victor and Vincent, to uncover the identity of the Anti-Christ. When she finds an opportunity to escape, she has to leave Victor behind.
Patti fights her own demons while desperately trying to rescue Victor from the coven. Tobias, a Christian man, comes to her aid. This novel will affirm your faith in Christ’s victorious power.
Download a collection of Catholic prayers and scriptures for today’s spiritual warfare battles and for everyday protection.
This printable handbook includes the Prayer for the Presence of Christ, Prayer for the Power of the Holy Spirit, Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, Prayer to Wear the Armor of God, Saint Patrick’s Breastplate, Prayer to Conquer Evil, Prayer to Break Curses, Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses, Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons, Consecration to Mary Defeater of Satan, Consecrate Your Marriage to Mary Ark of the Covenant, Zechariah’s Canticle as a Victory Prayer, and Praying the “Our Father” for Victory Over Evil. Plus more than 200 scriptures!
My Soul Shall Be Healed
A 5-Part Study Guide of Ecclesia de Eucharistia, On the Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church, an encyclical of Pope Saint John Paul II.
This easy-to-understand study guide explains in ordinary language how to understand this very important Church document and apply it to our every-day lives and today’s world. It's life-changing and soul-healing!
The book explores:
• developing a personal relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist
• the Eucharist as the “source and summit of the Christian life”
• what Catholics believe and do not believe about the Eucharist
• why only Catholic priests can consecrate the Communion elements
• the role of the whole community in Holy Communion
How do you know what God’s will is for your life? Do you know your calling? God has gifted you and has a desire to use your experiences and skills to help make the world a better place and to advance the purposes of his kingdom. Whether it’s in ministry or a secular job, God has a divine plan for you!
This book is a compilation of 20 thought-provoking reflections from Terry's daily Good News Reflections. Use it for meditation, spiritual guidance, and inspiration.
As a bonus, it includes 3 self-assessment tests to help readers figure out which particular ministries God has gifted them to do.
This book is a compilation of reflections from Terry's Good News Reflections, articles from the WordBytes website, and Rosary meditations.
Includes: How I met the Blessed Mother, Living by the Grace of God, Saying Yes to God, How to be a Handmaid of the Lord, Mary’s Trust, Mary’s Courage, The Guarantee of Victory, Giving Birth to Love, The Blessed Mother in Ministry, Sharing in Mary’s Fullness of Grace, Sharing in Mary’s Glory, Time for Action, and more. Plus Q & A about Mary and about the Rosary.
[ MORE ]
Daily Prayers with the Saints
Experience the friendship and spiritual guidance of hundreds of saints, one for each day of the year.
What do you need prayer support for? Find a Saint to pray with you!
Need spiritual guidance? Find Saints according their patronages!
What’s your birthday? Or anniversary? Find a Saint and a prayer for that day!
[arve url="" title="The Christmas Yes" description="Jesus said yes to humbling himself to become one of us because, as He says to you, “I want to be with you in every way and help you through every trial.”" upload_date="2020-12-07" thumbnail="23617" loop="no" muted="no" /]